Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Human Resource Management - Performance Management

Human Resource Management: Performance Management Introduction The continuous development improvement of human resource potential requires a successful performance system. Schermerhorn (1999, Pg. 250) defined Performance Management System as a system that ensures performance standards and objectives are set, that performance is regularly assessed for accomplishments and that actions are taken to improve performance potential in the future. The process of formally assessing someone’s work accomplishments and providing feedback is performance appraisal and it serves three basic purpose in maintenance of a quality workforce i.e. a) To assess past performance which intended to let people know where they stand relative to performance†¦show more content†¦As such the process shall be started with a thorough understanding of an organization’s business strategy. Here we refer to a strategy that is not â€Å"let’s make money†. Rather, it’s here â€Å"how to make money†. In the context of strategic corporate planning, Balance Scorecard framework is widely used for goals and objectives setting for the entire organization or department. These goals and objectives are made as team goals. The Balance Scorecard provides a framework to describe and communicate strategy in a consistent and insightful way (Kaplan Norton. 200, Pg. 10). This works best in departments or entire organization where the people are fairly independent and striving to achieve a singular purpose. A strategic scorecard is a process of establishing multi-faceted measures of an organization or unit they typically includes: (a) finance; (b) customer; (c) internal business process and (d) leaning and growth. Having, balance scorecard organizational strategic direction is communicated well to the employees who must implement it. Once strategy is clear the process then moves to indemnifying cause-and-effect relationship driving business success.’ Nankervis, Compton McCarty (1999, Pg 380) stress that performance review must never be taken isolation but, rather, tied directly to the organization’s strategic plan and the strategies that make up that plan. Organizational success is base on the result of adding together allShow MoreRelatedPerformance Management At The Strategic Human Resource Management Essay1848 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Performance management has grown in importance within the Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) field due to an increase in the expected level of employee accountability. Performance levels effect compensation, goal setting, training and development, succession, administrative action and appraisal, therefore a successful review plan is essential for a smoothly functioning organization (Maylett, 2009, p. 52). 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